Saturday 7 May 2016

News update: Emani Foundation Modukuru

Hi All,
Here we want to share about Emani Foundation -Modukuru

Mr. Emani Shiva Kumar Reddy garu (present staying at Nigeria) had given one lakh rupees to Suvarna, Engineering student who studying at Chebrolu Engineering College, Guntur Dt. A. P

Shiva garu transfer 1 lakh amount to Suvarna's SBH S/B account on 4th May 2016.
Two fixed bonds were taken by college principal Appa Rao garu, one bond for one year duration and another bond for two years duration. This amount is for her 3rd and 4th year studies.

Chebrolu Engineering College principal Sri. Dr. Jetti Appa Rao garu, cell 9951222248.

We really appreciate for your support.
Thanks to team "Emani Foundation-Modukuru"

Thanks is not enough, keep supporting the needy and keep inspiring.