Friday 19 August 2016 reached 93,513 total pageviews

We are happy to announce that reached 93,513 total pageviews on 20th Aug 2016. We are nearer to reach 1 Lakh.
This website is open to everyone (Modukuru and nearby locations), you can share any update related to village programs/ or Tsunduru Mandal programs/ or any job vacancies/ or any blood requirement/ or educational information/ or share advance technologies.....anything which can be useful to others in our daily life.
Please share/send the information through FB or email -, we will update the information in our website with free of cost.
whats app no +91 9160706070 (Sudhakar Reddy)
(Request:- Please share/send us important and useful information only, please don't send your personal photos or god photos to us, you may have free time- but we are not free to waste our time)
Thanks for your support..!